Mirel Vratimov a.s. – Czech manufacturing company with more than twenty years of activity on the European market…
Mirel Vratimov a.s. is a leading European manufacturer of thermal insulation, floor insulation, industrial packaging, food packaging, mats and swimming noodles.
Mirel Vratimov a.s. has more than twenty years of experience manufacturing in the Czech Republic and doing business on the European market…
Our mission is not only to offer quality products, but also excellent and reliable services related to the distribution of these products to the customer. Our mission is our motto … "The difference is in quality…"
Mirel Vratimov a.s.
Mourová 114/7, 739 32 Vratimov
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 – 59 673 26 73
Fax: +420 – 59 673 26 93
Email: mirel@mirelon.com